
Gears of war 2 levels
Gears of war 2 levels

It doesn't really work for me, the personal drama of Dom only serves as a slight diversion, but as the story reveals more about the inner workings of the Locust horde it grabs my attention in a way the first game failed to do. While Marcus stays on course in the second game, the developer uses Dom and his missing wife as a device to bring more emotional depth to what is otherwise a pure adrenaline rush on the various battlefields of Sera.

gears of war 2 levels

Even as we explored his family estate in the first game there was never any emotional depth to him, never anything that left an echo other than the bullets from his Lancer. Marcus Fenix isn't the most multi layered or interesting main character I have happened upon. One of the aims of the developers was to put more emphasis on characters and story in the sequel. Bigger, better and more badass as creative director Cliff Bleszniski put it. Epic managed to create a game that stands second only to Halo on the Xbox 360 and two years later the inevitable sequel arrives.

gears of war 2 levels gears of war 2 levels

Gears of War was arguably one of the breakout success stories of 2006.

Gears of war 2 levels